DevLog#4 - Improving the design

So in the previous devlogs i’ve showed you what a creature has for Stats: health, speed, damage, armor and an active special ability.

Our process was that this game needs to be as simple as possible, but complex enough that it allowed lots of strategies. We played around with different stats possibilities before we came up with the final design. And when i say final, i mean that it could change anytime.

DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

Modified the previous design into the one we agreed upon. We now have a mock-up for the deployment zone, initiative ordering zone and some new and useful additions: “your turn” marker and History log.

The “Your turn” marker appears when it is your turn (duh!) and the history log contains all that has happened in the game since it started. Also we added ownership markers on creature tokens, if you see a dotted line around a creature, then that is your creature, if not, that is your opponent creature (this might change in the future).

DevLog#2 - Rethinking the design

I’ve worked on this game for about 1 month, starting from scratch. Considering the fact that i am a web developer i decided to create the game based on what technology i already know, to not waste time learning a new one. I had some experience with TV3D + C# to create some desktop games, but i wanted this to be available on the web, just open the browser and *BAM* have fun. I also like to think that i help the browser games community by creating some quality games, instead of the money sink most of them are. Anyway, i am currently using PHP for server-side scripting and CSS3+HTML5+Javascript for client side UI/UX and scripting. For the Javascript part i decided i would learn AngularJS since it is the new kid on the block and i can increase my programming skills also working on something fun.

DevLog#1 - The ideea is born

Started working on a 2D top-down strategy arena game, based on my Heroes 3 nostalgia. We will call it Fantasy Arena, for now.

The thematic of the game is something tribal, raw, like wild nature with fearsome beasts, but beasts that you can train and communicate with. Something like in the movie Avatar. The people are in full communion with nature, meaning that they adapt to every environment through their mimetic abilities. They can use surrounding plants/mosses/lichen to add to their bodies, to form a symbiosis and enhance their abilities and resistances. The same is true about the numerous creatures that live in this world. Let’s call the world Regnarum for now, maybe a better name will come up later.
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@ZMaf commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@AMaf commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@Davidnek commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@TerenceUtize commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@Justingoomb commented on DevLog#4 - Improving the design

@Jimmiepaw commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@RobertItatt commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@TerenceUtize commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@Lolarow commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@ThomasUnoda commented on DevLog#4 - Improving the design
