Blog - 2015 Blog - May 2015 | EvoBattles

DevLog#4 - Improving the design

So in the previous devlogs i’ve showed you what a creature has for Stats: health, speed, damage, armor and an active special ability.

Our process was that this game needs to be as simple as possible, but complex enough that it allowed lots of strategies. We played around with different stats possibilities before we came up with the final design. And when i say final, i mean that it could change anytime.
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@Josephben commented on DevLog#4 - Improving the design

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@JasonHax commented on DevLog#4 - Improving the design

@cheap ivermectin commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design

@Anthonyker commented on DevLog#4 - Improving the design

@MartinJiz commented on DevLog#4 - Improving the design

@LamaDew commented on DevLog#4 - Improving the design

@BrianPergy commented on DevLog#3 - Settling on a design
